Seniors Need Not Apply

"Respect your elders" Momma always told me. Apparently, the residents of $outhlake didn't have a momma like mine. Residents of the oh-so-upscale suburb, which chased their Wal-Mart out of town with nitpicky rules over vending machines, are up in arms over a new zoning case which threatens their quality of life. So what is it the zoning case that has citizens up in arms? A lead smelter? Steel mill? Topless Bar? No. Residents are opposed to plans by Sunrise Senior Living to construct an assisted-living center in the city. That's right, the people of $outhlake don't think grandma is upwardly mobile enough to live in their city. It's not that they are opposed to old people, they just don't want them living in their town. In classic NIMBY fashion, the Star-Telegram quotes Dave McCowan, president of the Fox Borough Home Owners Association, as saying, "I have no problem whatsoever with an assisted-living center, but it doesn't belong on this lot." So senior citizens can rest easy. The people of $outhlake don't mind you being around. Just don't get to close.
southlake texas
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