Squandering A Surplus

Great news from the state's bean-counter-in-chief. According to State Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn, rising oil prices, strong auto sales and increased retail trade this summer helped the state government take in $1,200,000,000.00 more in taxes than the state's budget called for. So what does someone that is paid to pinch the state's pennies think should be done with the extra money? Save it for a rainy day? No. The bean-counter-in-chief thinks state legislators should drive down to Austin and spend it. That's right. According to The Dallas Morning News, Ms. Strayhorn has urged Gov. Rick Perry to call a special legislative session so lawmakers can spend the money on Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Gov. Perry's people say the move is unnecessary because the federal government will reimburse Texas for our out of pocket expenses.
It should be noted that Ms. Strayhorn is running against the governor in the next election. It should also be noted that as of yet, the people of Texas have not elected her governor. Until they do, she should stick to keeping the state's checkbook balanced, which is the job she was elected to do. She should also consider that the "surplus" is not her money or the legislator's money. It is the people of Texas' money. If we paid in more taxes than was needed to balance the budget, it seems that a little refund is in order.
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