Strayhorn Strays From Republican Party Values

According to Texas Shark Watch, Strayhorn' s most recent campaign finance report filed in June reveals that personal injury trial lawyer Lance Lubel has kicked in another $10,000 to her campaign. This is on top of the over $1 million she had already received from Lubel and other plaintiffs' personal injury lawyers.
Lubel, who is with the Houston firm Heard, Robins, Cloud & Lubel, has given tens of thousands to liberal Democrats John Edwards, John Kerry, and Nick Lampson, as well as to the state Democratic parties in Texas and New Mexico.
The Dallas Morning News reports that among the lawyers who have contributed to Strayhorn are Tobacco Five tycoons Walter Umphrey of Beaumont and John Eddie Williams of Houston, who each gave $100,000, and Michael Gallagher and Mark Lanier, both of Houston, who each gave $50,000.
Is Strayhorn so desperate to reside in the Governor's Mansion that she is willing to sell her sole to the devils to do so? Or perhaps she is really a Donkey in Elephant clothing? Most importantly, what do these ambulance-chasers know about Strayhorn that has prompted them to give so generously to her campaign? Something Republicans might want to find out before the primary.
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