Random musings about life in Fort Worth, DFW, Texas, & beyond.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Deck Them Halls
Freshly stuffed with turkey and feeling chipper after a Cowboys win on Thanksgiving Day, Fort Worthians headed out to the malls today. Nation-wide, some retails executives were predicting one of the best "Black Fridays" in years. Many stores used giveaways and deeply discounted prices on the most popular items to lure shoppers out before dawn.My own visual inspection of the mall parking lot indicated a less than spectacular opening to this year's shopping season. Perhaps the beautiful weather kept more people outside?
The Friday after Thanksgiving is almost always the busiest shopping day of the year. Surprisingly, it generally is not the day with the highest total sales. That is usually either Christmas Eve, or the Saturday right before Christmas as procrastinators like me rush to find that last minute gift.
So to all my fellow procrastinators, relax, there's still plenty of time.
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