Can't We All Get Along? Local Papers to Team Up

That rumble you heard today wasn't thunder.
No. That loud sound was the late Amon G. Carter rolling over in his grave at the news that the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the Dallas Morning News are going to share editorial content.
More from Editor & Publisher:
Dallas Morning News Editor Bob Mong wrote in a memo to employees that parent company A.H. Belo and the McClatchy Co. -- owner of the Star-Telegram -- are looking for ways to save money.A few years ago the two dailies locked horns in a huge fight over readers in Arlington. Now with readership dropping at double-digit rates at both papers they appear ready to combine forces in order to more efficiently bring us the bland mediocre coverage they become famous for."We commenced talks because of the challenging economic and revenue
environment we find ourselves in," Mong wrote. "I can assure you we have no intention of diluting our powerful brand. But I do know there are ways to move forward with the /Star-Telegram/, save money and continue to provide the outstanding unique content we are known for."
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