Developer Plans To Soak Mansfield Taxpayers

Yet another real estate developer has appeared on the local scene, promoting yet another government-funded project. Texlan Real Estate Investment Advisers is proposing to build a $27 million water amusement park and entertainment complex on 37 acres in Mansfield. In addition to the water amusement park, the project would include an amphitheater, conference facilities and some commercial development. And what would be the cost to the taxpayers of Mansfield for this wonderful development? Why a mere $5,100,000.00. Before deciding to get into the water amusement park business, Mansfield city leaders might want to pay a visit to North Richland Hill's NRH2O, which has been struggling to attract enough visitors to return to profitability.
The Star-Telegram quotes Texlan President Dick Erxleben as saying, "There is a need for recreation in Mansfield, a need for entertainment in Mansfield." I don't where Mr. Erxleben went to college, but its apparent he never took Economics 101. If there truly is a need for this type of recreation in Mansfield, private enterprise can sucessfully meet that demand without government welfare. Ever hear of the law of supply and demand? But then, why should Texian risk more of its own money if they can convince the suckers, er... city councilmembers of Mansfield to foot part of the bill?
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