Random musings about life in Fort Worth, DFW, Texas, & beyond.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Grapevine-Colleyville Says No To Abstinence
Kids in middle school should wait until they are older to have sex. Apparently that is a controversial concept in the Grapevine-Colleyville I.S.D. School officials canceled a program encouraging abstinence among teen-agers that was supposed to have put on by Life Choices Presents. The program, which had already been approved by the Texas Education Agency, tries to teach kids to break cycles of destructive living and that choices have consequences.During the multimedia program, students also learn about tolerance, diversity and making good choices. So far so good, so what's the problem? The problem is that the presentation also encourages teens to wait to have sex. Apparently abstinence is now considered "religious" by our public schools. As we all know, our public schools must be purged of any mention of religion. That's the only proper way to educate the childlin' these days.
According to the Dallas Morning News, some parents are not buying the anti-religious excuse. The News quotes one parent, as asking, "What would you like to teach to your children? I don't know a parent out there who would say I would really like my children to be sexually active by middle school." I'd like to hear the members of the school board answer that one.
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