
Additions to four schools in the Crowley I.S.D. that were supposed to be done in time for the start of school will not be finished until Christmas, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports. Officials with the school district, which fancy themselves as the best and brightest in the metroplex stopped paying the contractor, Coronado Builders, back in August when they found out that they were not paying their subcontractors. One might think that such financial shenanigans would raise some concerns with school officials, but the district kept Coronado on the job, knowing that they weren't dealing on the up and up with their subs.
Assistant Superintendent Kyle Gathright says he found out about 2 weeks before classes were set to start that the schools wouldn't be ready in time. The S-T quotes him as saying, "...we started school without kitchens and cafeterias. So we chose what we called the limp-along method." Well a question arises? Where was Mr. Gathright all summer? I'm certainly no expert in building, but I think I could tell the difference between a school that would be ready in 2 weeks from one that wouldn't be ready for 5 months. Where was the oversight? But apparently I'm the only one that sees something wrong with a contractor not paying his bills and missing deadlines by 1/2 a year. The S-T says that Gathright praised Coronado quoting him as saying, "The easiest thing for those guys would have been to walk in, hand us the keys and walk out. The hardest thing was for them to stay on the job."despite its cash-flow problems." Huh?
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