Random musings about life in Fort Worth, DFW, Texas, & beyond.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Looney Birds
Those wackos at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are making plans to raise a fuss at the annual meeting of Brinker International Inc., according to the Dallas Business Journal. See PETA doesn't like the way the chicken served at Chili's, Macaroni Grill, and On the Border, makes its way from being a live bird to the entree on your plate. Apparently the chickens were unavailible for comment. The animal-rights nuts plan to ask Brinker to require its suppliers to use controlled-atmosphere killing, which PETA cliams is a more humane way to kill chickens. If the term, "a more humane way to kill" sounds like an oxymoron, well, that's par for the course for the leading animal-rights group. The Journal quotes Bruce Friedrich with PETA as saying, "Brinker needs to realize that Americans are compassionate and don't want to eat chickens who have suffered broken wings and been burned to death." Well, since I've yet to see anyone at Chili's order chicken fajitas raw, I'd say they do.
Of course, what the article fails to say is that PETA, which recently had two of their representatives in North Carolina arrested for killing dogs that were brought to their animal shelters, is opposed to using our, "fellow animals" for food period. PETA also oppposes taking your kids to the circus and would prefer drug companies test their experimental drugs on you instead of animals.
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