Random musings about life in Fort Worth, DFW, Texas, & beyond.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Nuclear Lost And Found
Nuthin' to worry much about, but thought you might want to know that an itsy bitty bit of radioactive material is missing somewhere in East Texas. Station KLTV reports that two vials of antimony-124, a radioactive material used in the oil and gas industry started out in New Mexico. On its way, it made stops in Abilene, Austin, Dallas and Tyler. Somewhere along the way, the radioactive material came up missing. When the folks in East Texas opened up the military style ammo box the vials travel in, there was no nuke stuff to be found. I suggest that officials arrange to turn off all the lights in East Texas and announce that if whoever has the nuclear material will just leave it at the nearest Love's Truck Stop, there will be no questions asked.
From the news report:
Authorities say if you see the box, do not touch it. Stay at least 15 feet away and call authorities. Anyone with information can call local authorities or the New Mexico Environmental Department's Emergency number at 505-827-9329. You can also leave a voice mail at 1-866-428-6535.
Voice mail? Are you kidding me? That's so typical of the government. They lose some radioactive gunk, but can't be bothered by retrieving it after hours.
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