Random musings about life in Fort Worth, DFW, Texas, & beyond.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Pink Slips At Fort Worth's Newest "Tourist" Destination
The new Cabela's store opened in the spring in North Fort Worth with great fanfare. The Cowtown City Council was so excited about the prospect of landing the big sporting good store that they granted generous tax breaks, assuring us mere citizens that it was a sound, "investment" and would generate more jobs for us Cowtowners in the long run. Optimistic predictions were made that the store would become the biggest tourist attraction in the entire state, even more popular than The Alamo. Officials huddled together to try and figure out how to deal with the 50,000 people a day that were projected to visit the place. Well, apparently those rosy predications were a result of city officials looking through rose-colored glasses. NBC5 reports that Cabela's recently laid off 35 employees at the Cowtown store.
This is an example of why government should not be subsidizing private business. The Cowtown City Council should stick to fixing potholes and policing the streets, not get involved in economic development projects. Does anybody really think the folks on the city council are smart enough investors to play with our tax money? Let's face it, if they were that smart, they'd be so wealthy they wouldn't have time to serve on the city council.
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