Random musings about life in Fort Worth, DFW, Texas, & beyond.
Monday, November 07, 2005
PETA Attacks Fort Worth Shrine Circus
The spoil sports at PETA want to deprive the childlin' of Fort Worth the joy of the circus. The animal rights group sent a letter to Will Rogers Memorial Center Assistant Director Chris Harmon, warning him that the upcoming Shrine Circus is both dangerous and cruel and urging him not to host circuses such as the Shrine Circus in the future. According to PETA, there have been at least 10 "dangerous" incidentsinvolving animals used in Shrine Circuses since 1997. I'm not exactly sure what a "dangerous" incident is, but if my math is correct, that averages out to about 1 and a quarter "dangerous" incidents a year. That makes going to the circus a lot safer for kids than taking a bath, and a lot more fun too.
According to PETA, animals sometimes snap and attack trainers and members of the public. I'm sure that does happen on rare occasions, but there's just a bit of hypocrisy on the part of one of hollywood's favorite charities. See, PETA really isn't interested in protecting the circus going public from animals that, "snap." What the animal rights group is really after is the banning of all circuses, safe or not. In the eyes of the animal rights nuts, there is no circus safe enough, humane enough, or loving enough, to justify the "enslavement" of our fellow animals.
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