Random musings about life in Fort Worth, DFW, Texas, & beyond.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Self-Inflicted Wound
Studies show that due to their poor economy and high unemployment, Germans are among the most pessimistic and unhappy people around. The Washington Times reports that several of the top media companies in Germany had a brainstorming session on what they could do to boost the self esteem of Germans and get them to take pride in their homeland. Their idea was a $34,000,000.00 ad campaigndesigned to inspire Germans to stop whining and do something good for their country. The ad team used the phrase "Du Bist Deutschland" for their campaign. For those of you who in Crowley, that translates, "You Are Germany."
Aside from the stupidity of thinking that a catchy slogan is a substitute for real political and economic reform, there is just one problem. The slogan was originally coined by the Nazis.
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