Bah Humbug

The FW Star-Telegram has the details:
Guess what, kids? There's no such thing as Santa Claus!That was a suburban music teacher's message to first-graders Monday -- a remark that angered parents and prompted the school district to issue a pro-Santa statement.
Several parents called Richland Elementary School after the teacher spilled the Santa scoop, according to KDFW/Channel 4.
"When you take a 6-year-old and tell him, you got to spend how much time to get him to believe again. The damage is done," parent Michael Millett said.
Later, however, Tim Clark, a Richardson school district spokesman, said he had good news.
"The teacher did hear from Santa Claus himself, who heard about the situation and let the teacher know that the spirit of the holidays is alive and well and to pass that message along to the students," Clark said.
The teacher will face no disciplinary action, Clark said.
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