Duck & Cover

I'll admit it, I'm not a hunter. Now before you categorize me as some PETA wacko, let me explain. I have nothing against hunting, I've just never seen the attraction of sitting in a tree in the freezing cold waiting for some deer to aimlessly wander by.
I've always suspected that for most men (not being discriminatory, I have just noticed that the vast majority of hunters are male) one of the big attractions is sitting around the fire drinking and telling hunting stories. Well if State Representative Edmund Kuempel has his way, the joy of sipping strong drink and swapping lies after a long day of hunting will soon be opened up to the visually impaired.
The legislator has introduced a bill that would allow blind people to hunt any game that sighted people can currently pursue. "This opens up the fun of hunting to additional people, and I think that's great," Rep. Kuempel told Reuters. While the law qould require that blind hunters have a sighted hunter with them, the thought of blind people being given high-powered rifles and sent into the woods strikes me as more than a little dangerous. It also gives me another reason to stay home where it's nice and warm, and safe, during deer season.
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