Saturday, October 22, 2005

Trimming The Tree

Folks in north Arlington are whining again. This they are upset because TXU Electric Delivery is trimming trees in their yards. See, tree limbs and power lines don't get along too well. And when a storm throws tree limbs up against electric wires, your power goes out. So, on the theory that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, the folks at the electric monopoly periodically trim the limbs back away from their lines. That's what's got the folks in Arlington so mad.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram tells about Lynn Wiseman, who stood in her back yard Friday morning, her voice rising angrily over the buzz of power saws and chipper shredders. Have you ever stood close to those chippers shredders? If reporter Shirley Jenkins could hear Ms. Wiseman over one of those, she musta been really, really, mad. The S-T reporter describes a touching scene where another resident watched as, "
two of her trees were cut back, but she watched as a squirrel's nest was felled along with a large branch." I must say that brought a tear to my eye. Puhlease. You know good and well that if TXU didn't keep those trees trimmed and a spring storm came along and those people's power out they would be on the phone in a minute, demanding power be restored immediately. I bet that phone call would be louder than 10 chippper shredders.


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