Don't Burst Their Bubble

Kids, what will they do next? Highland Park High School, the ultra-rich suburban school in the ultra-richest part of North Dallas has a tradition of dressing up during homecoming week. According to the Dallas Morning News, this year they had a, "Thug Day." Students wore Afro wigs, fake gold teeth and baggy jeans. To honor Hispanic heritage, the school sponsored a, "Fiesta Day." One student brought a leaf blower to school. Sounds pretty bad huh? Nah, it was all in fun the kids say. While some admitted that the leafblower may have crossed a line, the kids told the News that reaction to the theme days was overblown and that the activities were not offensive to minorities. How kids in Highland Park would know if minorities were offended or not I don't know, perhaps they asked their maid? Highland Park senior class president, Elizabeth Carlock insists that there's nothing racist about Thug Day, supporting her claim with the fact that the school had a, "Country Club Day" last year. I woulda thought that would be every day in Highland Park. The young Ms. Carlock goes on to tell the News, "We weren't being racist. It's Highland Park tradition."
Of course we are assured that none of this insensitivity is the fault of the childlin'. 'Cause if there is one thing I've learned watchin' Oprah, it's never the fault of the childlin'. The News quotes Dr. Charles Gallagher, a sociology professor at Georgia State University as saying, "The reality is that they're ignorant of the lives of nonwhites. it's like a parallel universe." Well, I've always said people in the Park Cities live in a different world than you and me, now I've got somebody smart to back me up. Dr. Gallagher goes on to say, "You have a community of adolescents who live in a complete white bubble." Many Park Cities residents refer to their community as "The Bubble." I'm just wondering what will happen to these kids if they are ever forced to get out of their bubble. I guess Daddy will just have to make sure that never happens.
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