Not In Our Backyard!

Well the NIMBY's in Park Vista are up in arms. Why? An evil real estate developer (after all, is there any other kind?) wants to build a shopping center in their backyards.
Mohammod Mosaddaque, whines that the houses across the street are identical to his but won't have a business behind them. "It's going to be a hard time to sell the house," he whines to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Uh, well, Mr. Mosaddaque, that is because the property behind the houses across the street from you not zoned commercial. The property behind your house is zoned for commercial use. See that Zoning Map? That big "E" is the City of Fort Worth's way of telling you that some type of commerical use is planned there. Or perhaps you thought that big field at one of the busiest intersections in northern Cowtown was going to sit vacant forever? Puhlease. Gary Anderson frets that the parking lot would be so close to his bedroom that the noise would bother him. "We just need space," he cries. Uh, well, if space was that important to you, perhaps you should have bought a bigger lot? People like this just kill me. They move out to a growing area, then they are shocked and dismayed that someone would actually build something on the vacant lot behind them? Did they really expect it to remain vacant forever?
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